Confidence In Our Ability

Sheelin Nursing Home strives to provide a high quality service to all our Residents.

We operate with an ethos of openness and honesty, and welcome any feedback to ensure that our service is continually reviewed and refined in line with the best practice and resident choice. There is a structured process for receiving and acting upon comments, compliments and complaints.

Our complaints statement and policy is prominently displayed in our nursing home foyer, and if you have a complaint or comment we will aim to respond to your query/complaint as soon as possible. We encourage family participation in your care and therefore welcome comments from anyone acting on your behalf. We will of course check if they have your permission.

If you feel that any matter raised has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact Patient Advocacy Services on 085-730 7322 visit or contact Hiqa the independent inspectorate by Emailing-